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Tree of Life (somewhere in Zimbabwe)

Beratung für Wirtschafts-Informatik, Planung, Statistik und Computereinsatz - Consultant for Economic and Social Statistics, Planning and Computer Applications

News on current or recent projects (yellow =in Arbeit oder neu / current or new , black =z.Zt. oder auf Dauer beendet / finished temporarily or permanently)

Neue Listen Zeitliche Abfolge und Dauer der Professionellen Aufenthalte im (außereuropäischen) Ausland sowie im Travel/Reiseteil eine Bestabsaufnahme wo ich mal war und wo ich gearbeitet habe CountriesByContinentVisitedAndWorked  und neue (kurze) Urlaubserinnerungen an Südeuropa / Chronological sequence and duration of the professional stays in (non-European) foreign countries as well as in the travel/travel section an overview of where I have been and where I have worked CountriesByContinentVisitedAndWorked and new (short) holiday memories of SouthernEurope

Verbesserung der Fehler in Erinnerungen Afrika (2019): Südliches Afrika unter "Africa/Afrika". Jetzt sind auch die Karten wieder da und die Links auf Afrika(3) zu den Bildern sind wiederhergestellt. Alle Erinnerungen (2003-20ß7) gesammelt und redigiert unter "Africa/Afrika" und dann unter "Archiv/ lange her

Projekt für GIZ- Deutschland: Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung liegenschaftsinterner Kennzahlen zum Themenschwerpunkt Betriebskosten von Liegenschaften in Deutschland (z.B. Energieverbräuche, Gebäudeeffizienz, Heizkosten, etc.) und deren Visualisierung zur Veranschaulichung der Betriebskostenentwicklung für Führungskräfte des Liegenschaftsmanagements basierend auf regelmäßig generierten SAP  Datenblättern in einer EXCEL – VBA Anwendung vom 01.10.2020 bis 30.10.2021  

New list Timing and duration of professional stays in (non-European) foreign countries and new (short) vacation memories from Tenerife.
Improvement of errors in Memories Africa (2019): Southern Africa under "Africa/Africa". Now also the maps are back and the links on Africa(3) to the pictures are restored. All memories (2003-20ß7) collected and edited under "Africa/Africa" and then under "Archive/ long ago" .
"Archiv/ lange her" (German only)

Project EU : Administration par DAI Londres UK. Algérie 2017 Renforcement des capacités des cadres des trois structures précitées en matière d’études de modélisation de la conjoncture économique et sociale, d’utilisation des techniques macro-économétriques en vue d’évaluer les politiques publiques et de consolidation de leurs capacités lorsqu’ils élaborent ces travaux. (-> 6/2018)

Project EU: Administration by DAI London UK. Algeria 2017 Strengthening the capacities of the executives of the three aforementioned structures in the field of economic and social modeling studies and the use of macroeconometric techniques to evaluate public policies and consolidate their capacities.(-> 6/2018)

Appraisal mission for the planned Support to SDG implementation in Myanmar / 31 January – 10 February 2017

Support to the Central Statistics Organisation Afghanistan (2013-2016) as Key expert on Data Quality and Data Management  and TRTA (EU) project is to contribute to the Philippines´ integration into the international and regional trading and investment system, Upgrading Knowledge on development of statistical design on sampling used for Field and Market Monitoring for fruits and vegetable.

Support to the Central Statistics Organisation Afghanistan (2013-2016) as Key expert on Data Quality and Data Management  and TRTA (EU) project is to contribute to the Philippines´ integration into the international and regional trading and investment system, Upgrading Knowledge on development of statistical design on sampling used for Field and Market Monitoring for fruits and vegetable.

 (Details under Projects/Projekte)  

At Project 2010 : ASTRA - a Management Information System on Statistical Training

Dascription added

Development of a Modular Training Programme: Better Monitoring for Better Evaluation in the West African Region ( together with Phil Crook - Consultant )  for GIZ  in Preparation / to be online 1 Q 2012 / release td delivered on request - This course is still pending and now scheduled for 2013 for African communities (SADC, ECOWAS, EAC)- see draft paper document at  Projects/Projekte.

Blended Learning Course : "World of Development and the Role of Statistics“ This course now renamed to "Fact Based Information for Better Decision Making" and ready for use also  as a Francophone course. (Details under Projects/Projekte)  

Documents on 2008 Study and ACCESS tools for EUROSTAT: "Trainng Needs for Statistics" in Africa added (Details under Projects/Projekte)  

Training Strategies for SAARC ( The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) TradePromotion Network and IRD (Inland Revenue Department) Revenue Administration Support. Both are GIZ Projects and the assigmnent was carried out together with Dr. Sandhya Chatterji of Indian Consultancy IPC. (12/2003 - 03/2014 )(Details under Projects/Projekte)  

Blended Learning Course : "World of Development and the Role of Statistics in English“ for GIZ in finished with face to face course in Gbaorone/Botswana 24.06.-28.06.2013,  Blended Learning Course currently running on GIZ - GC21 platform (needs authorization) (Details under Projects/Projekte)  

Support to the Central Statistics Organisation Afghanistan (27.04.-08.06.2013): Key expert on Data Quality and Data Management (Details under Projects/Projekte also under Travel/Reisen)  

New Capacity Building: Support to AIMO for the developing of a data base to support publications with ASEAN Secretariat Jakarta (Nov./Dec.2012)  - 1.Mission - see Projects

Capacity Building: Support to AIMO for the developing of data bases to monitor AEC implementation and impact of integration, in cooperation with ASEAN Secretariat Jakarta (Oct./Nov.2011  - 2.Mission - see Projects - AIIP= ASEAN Integration Information Platform developed). AIIP has been renamed to ASIP ASEAN Statistical information platform) by ASEANStats, is online but still waits for official release

Capacity Building on Disaster Risk Management in India ( Tutor Training  Blended Learning Course finished Dec 2011  - see Projects)

"Neue" Südamerika Reise-Beschreibung des Jahres 1974, bisher endete diese Feb.1973 in Rio, jetzt geht's weiter bis zurück nach Deutschland unter Travel/Reisen. Dort befinden sich jetzt  auch die Afrika-Reise 1972 und andere/ "New" Description of travel in South America1974so far it ended Feb.1973 in Rio, now it goes all the way back to Germany under Travel/Reisen. There are now also the mentioned trip to Africa in 1972 and others (in German)

"Neue" Südamerika Reise-Beschreibung des Jahres 1977, von Mexiko nach Rio, zurück nach Deutschland unter Travel/Reisen. / "New" Description of travel in South America 1977,  Mexiko to Rio Germany under Travel/Reisen,  (Some pictures, but text- as it contains letter's transcriptions- is in German)

"Alte" Reiserinnerungen (1986): Mit dem Fahrrad von New York nach Washinton D.C-  unter Travel/Reisen./ "Old" Travel Reminiscences (1986) : With Bycicle from NY to Washington D.C. under  Travel/Reisen.

"Neue" Reiserinnerungen (2012): Südliches Afrika -   unter Travel/Reisen./ "New" Travel Reminiscences (2012) Travels to Southern Afica under  Travel/Reisen.


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  • Als Plattform für berufliche Zwecke dient

Lebenslauf und eine Übersicht beruflicher Informationen finden sich in Background. Details zu Projekten in Projects/Projekte.

Private Informationen sowie Reiseberichte findet man unter Personal/Persönlich sowie in den entsprechenden Sektionen. Contacts/ Kontakte öffnet eine leere Mail in Ihrem Mail Programm, das mit meiner Adresse versehen nur noch ausgefüllt und abgeschickt werden muss.

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Bitte um Feedback, ruhig auch mal, wenn was klappt !!!

Klaus Röder



This personal Website has the purpose to:

  • serve as a platform for professional exchange
  • enable requests about current and ongoing projects
  • create a forum for my interests and share them with similar ones of others
  • enable friends and acquaintances to follow up on personal matters and share information
A collection of CVs and an overview of vocational activities and interests you will find  under Background. Details about projects in Projects/Projekte.

Private information,  Country Information as travel reports you will find under the appropriate section. Contacts/ Kontakte will open an empty mail with my address in your mail application to be completed and to be sent to me

I am the sole responsible for all contents. Please continue on further pages with appropriate language version clicking on corresponding flag symbol below

Feedback is very welcome

Klaus Röder


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